LISTEN TO THE Keynote Speakers

A/Prof. Wanty Widjaja, M.Ed., Ph.D

Deakin University, Australia

Associate Professor Wanty Widjaja is the Associate Head of School International and Engagement of the School of Education. Wanty’s research focuses on understanding complexity of classroom practices and examining ways to support teacher professional learning and student mathematical reasoning. Two recent and notable Category 1 and 2 grant successes are Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project Primary teachers adaptive expertise in interdisciplinary maths and science (2021-2024) and Secondary Mathematics and Science initiative for out-of-field teachers funded by Victorian Department of Education and Training (2020-current). In 2023, Wanty led a successful Australia Awards Fellowship ‘Vietnam-Australia partnership for digital transformation in higher education’ funded by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Prior to joining Deakin in 2012, Wanty worked as a mathematics teacher educator in Indonesia and Singapore. She has continued to strengthen research partnerships with researchers from the Netherlands, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia on Lesson Study, design-based research, teacher professional learning, and STEM education.

Prof. Dr. Ali Akgül

Siirt University, Turkey

Prof. Dr. Ali Akgülis working as a Professor of Mathematics at Siirt University, Art and Science Faculty, Department of Mathematics, Turkey. His research areas include Fractional Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Modeling and Functional Analysis. He has been published more than 600 research papers in international journals of high impact factor. He has been honoured multiple times with OBADA PRIZE,  Wen Chen,  TÜBİTAK and Siirt University Scientific Awards.

A/Prof Dr. Abadi, M.Sc

Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Abadi Abadi currently works at the Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Abadi does research in Mathematics Education and Applied Mathematics. Their most recent publication is ‘Cultivating characters (moral value) through internalization strategy in science classroom’.

His Research interest are Stability Analysis, Vibrations, Numerical Simulation, Bifurcation Analysis, Professional Development, Mathematics Education, Nonlinear Dynamics, Pedagogy, Mathematical Modelling, Modeling and Simulation.

Prof. Ebenezer Bonyah is a Full  Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics Education at Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development Kumasi Ghana, formerly of the University of Education Winneba, College of Technology, and Kumasi, Ghana. He is currently the acting Director of Research, International Programmes and Institutional Advancement of AMMUSTED. He undertook the Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Programme at Vaal Technology University, South Africa in the Department of Mathematics in the year 2016.  He obtained his Ph.D. Degree in Applied Mathematics from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana in 2014. He graduated with an MSc. Industrial Mathematics from KNUST in 2010. He also graduated with an MSc. Geomatic Engineering from KNUST in 2011. He obtained  M.Ed. Educational Administration, and Management from University of Education Winneba, Ghana, in 2006. He obtained a Bachelor of Education in Mathematics Education from the University of Education in 2003. Bonyah serves as a Reviewer of many International Accredited Journals across the world and serves as an editorial board member of fifteen (15) peer-reviewed journals. He has participated in many international conferences and workshops including speaker at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the University of Tennessee, USA. He has been supervising PhD and Masters degrees in and outside his university. He is an external examiner for many universities in Ghana and abroad. The Researcher has over two hundred and sixty (260) publications in referenced journals and five book chapters to his credit in the Google Scholar database of a total 4,771 citations with h-index 40. Prof. Bonyah has two hundred and two (202) publications in referenced journals in Scopus indexed of a total citation of 3,678 with h-index 36. He is an external examiner for many universities in Ghana and abroad. The researcher was recently adjudged best scientist in his University in the AD Scientific Index for the last three years (2021, 2022, 2023). He was selected among the first 100 reputable persons in Africa in 2024 by a reputation poll and transparency and integrity. He is the only Ghanaian in the discipline of Mathematics to feature consecutively (2021, 2022, 2023) in the global ranking organized by Stanford University and Elsevier’s top 2% scientists ranking. He obtained an award in 2024 for excellence in research and development from the Entrepreneurs, Academicians & Researchers Guild (EARG), in India His research interest includes the following: Mathematical Biology, Optimal control theory, Fractional Calculus, Mathematics Curriculum, Ethno- mathematics, Psychology of Learning Mathematics. He was selected among the 100 most reputable Africans in various disciplines in the 2024 edition.

A/Prof. Dr. Alden Jack Edson

Michigan State University, USA

AJ Edson is a research assistant professor of mathematics education. His research focuses on secondary school mathematics curriculum design and development using design-based research methodologies. In particular, AJ is interested in studying the enactment of curriculum materials in a digital world. He is also interested in the affordances of innovative mathematics curriculum materials as a context for teacher learning. Currently, he works on initiating and implementing research and development grants related to the Connected Mathematics Project and assisting with CMP activities. He has had experience working on other NSF-funded curriculum materials, including Core-Plus Mathematics and Transition to College Mathematics and Statistics. The work on these projects involves collaborations with teams of mathematicians and statisticians, mathematics and statistics educators, and school mathematics teachers with a goal of providing students and teachers with problem-based, inquiry-oriented materials.

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